Your Business IS Your Battlefield!

Empowering Women to ROAR with that righteous fire of anger and passion to take back the territory the enemy as stolen!

88. The ONLY Way to Get Feedback on What Really Matters in Your Online Business


by Kristin Dronchi | ⚔️The Kingdom Revolution Podcast

Episode Show Notes:


The only way to get feedback on what really matters in your online business as a Christian Woman Entrepreneur, is to put THING out into the world!

This is any type of content related to your message and your online business!

Today we will be talk about what holds us back from putting our message and content out into the world, what happens when we don’t do it and last, what changes and happens when we do put it out into the world for our ideal client to consume.

Powerful Quotes:

  • “Sharing your message with the world to make an impact and increase income is so important. It also allows you to gain clarity when making small adjustments.”


  • “You have the power to impact the world and a duty to fulfill your calling! Make small tweaks based on feedback while focusing on inner alignment with your mission.”


  • “These numbers are neutral, this data is neutral and should be used for feedback and adjustments, rather than as measures of success.  Don’t make the neutral data mean anything about you.”

Action Over Procrastination: Sharing for Feedback

In today’s episode, we discussed the importance of putting content and offers out into the world in order to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments in a business. Waiting for perfection or feedback before launching can hinder progress. I also touched upon the concept of procrastination, suggesting that it often stems from fear of backlash or rejection. I want to encourage you to take the leap and share your message, emphasizing that clarity and understanding of their audience come with action.

Consistency and Sharing Ideas in Content Creation

We also highlighted the importance of consistency in creating content and encouraged you my friend to start sharing your ideas, regardless of feedback or initial response.  You get to take back control from negative comments or discouraging statistics like low follower counts or likes.  These numbers are neutral, this data is neutral and should be used for feedback and adjustments, rather than as measures of success.

Finding the Right Audience for Christian Women Entrepreneurs

I talked about the importance of lead generation strategies and the significance of finding the right audience for one’s content and strategies, particularly for Christian women in the online business space.   Grab the FREE  lead generation strategy and 30 other ideas for those struggling to attract their ideal clients.


Impact and Income: Sharing Your Message Matters

Sharing your message with the world to make an impact and increase income is so important.  It also is going to allow you to get clarity when you need to make small adjustments. I share my  personal experience of struggling with my business in the first two years.  I want to encourage you  to take immediate action on getting your content and message out into the world.

In today’s episode we also go into what happens when you DON’T get your content out in to the world and share your message. 

Fine-Tuning Strategies for Mission Alignment

I also talk about the importance of fine-tuning business strategies and messaging to align with one’s assignment and ensure alignment with the Lord’s plan.  I  highlighted the need to make small tweaks and adjustments based on feedback and data, while also focusing on inner alignment with your calling and  mission. 


You have the power to impact the world and a duty to fulfill your calling!



Episode Links


Traffic and leads are the oxygen to your online business!  Stop being a slave to social media and learn about the ONLY Lead Generation Strategy you need as a Christian Woman in Online business! Plus get 30 lead generation ideas + a special offer to 2 lead generation strategies that rapidly grow your email list using kingdom collaborations – Grab it HERE

Don’t have a strategic high converting lead magnet yet that is helping you to build your email list, that attracts the RIGHT people and leads them to click that button and give you their email address – then grab my “ Create your High Converting Lead Magnet” mini course for only $27 – jam packed FULL of strategy to help you build your email list fast with a lead magnet that actually converts!


As a Christian Business Coach, I have created an amazing community of faith-based entrepreneurs. Check out my free community and connect with other entrepreneurs who are Kingdom Warriors like you!

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HI! I am Kristin!

Daughter of the King & Ex 9-to-5'er

Creating Kingdom Currency Convertors & Bringing Mamas Home to RESTORE the family unit the way God intended through helping you create your Online Business by God's Design.

Join me for free biz & mindset coaching every week!

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I am excited and honored to show up each week on The Kingdom Revolution Podcast to inspire, empower, and encourage you to take action in your Online Business so that YOU can lock arms with the ONE who called you and bring that heavenly solution to an earthly problem.

One way that we can continue to make a Kingdom IMPACT is to get the word out about the show.  One of the best ways you can bless others and  me in return is to share,  subscribe to the show, and leave a review.♡


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