Stop hustling to build your email list from launch to launch

 Say goodbye to the turtle’s pace of slow growth strategies and  hello to rapidly growing your email list, income, impact and skyrocketing your visibility by utilizing other people’s audiences!

You don’t have to stay STUCK with those “other” slow-growth organic strategies!

Instead, stop saying “I don’t have an audience” & learn how to  get off the launch revenue roller coaster (and stop launching to crickets) by leveraging relationships, collaborations, and other people’s audiences to create a never-ending stream of high quality ideal clients that are ready to buy!


30 Day “Do the Work” Refund Guarantee *info on checkout page



Having a repeatable Lead Generation System that brought in hundreds (even thousands) of quality leads into your email list in a matter of days.


Your funnel consistently filled with the people you are called to serve and who are ready to buy from you.


Creating strong relationships with other experts who will be knocking on your door with future collaboration opportunities and referrals.


A reliable top-of-funnel lead generation machine that brings the new eyes and ears to your launch and client-conversion events.

This will be your reality with The Summits with IMPACT™ Launch Runway System!


Summits with IMPACT™ Launch Runway is the  fastest way to increase your income, impact, and visibility in your online business  without  spending money on ads or being a slave to social media!

~Kristin Dronchi

The Viscous Audience Building Cycle

You are tired of…


Being stuck in the Viscous Audience Building Cycle


Being a slave to social media, spending hours in groups adding value (like WHAT does that even mean?)


Trying to keep up with the algorithm and hope it shows people your content.


Creating an exhaustive multi-day "challenge" and then only have a few people show up live. #buzzkill


Chasing the "next best strategy" to grow your email list...

Now you’re looking for a better way to grow your email list with a repeatable lead-gen system & client conversion machine so that it leads to sold out programs!

When you implement the Summits with IMPACT™ Launch Runway, you will have a influx of new high-quality leads that will be hot-and-ready for your post event conversion (masterclass/challenge) with their finger on the “buy button.”

30 Day “Do the Work” Refund Guarantee *info on checkout page

Success doesn't have to be a waiting game

Picture how unstoppable you’ll feel after hosting a summit that brings in 100’s or 1000’s of leads all at once, making 4 or 5-figures (or more) from the event itself, and then using that momentum to launch your course, program, membership or 1:1!
(after already making a profit before you even open the cart!) 

As a Christian Woman in Online Business

You want to create Kingdom Wealth & Impact


you have a multi-6 figure vision, a message, and that Holy Spirit fire inside…


But you feel stuck
and overwhelmed


Most of the ‘organic’ growth strategies to grow your online business take a lot of time… or simply don’t work anymore.

Investing weeks into chasing after clients using different FB groups (where other people are there just doing the same thing), sending DM’s, spending hours creating a tik tock (what is up with all those pointing fingers, anyways…) and being a slave to social media platforms is the worst feeling in the world…

Do you feel like  you’ve tried everything to grow your email list so you weren’t launching to crickets,  but nothing seemed to work?

Are you investing hours creating and giving away all this “FREE upfront value”, but you don’t get any visibility or sales?

Here is what you’ve been told to do in order to grow your audience….

✘ ​​Provide tons of free “value” (what does that even mean?) in Facebook groups or in comments under peoples posts – let’s face it, the other women are there just to do the same thing.

✘ Create a “value post” and see who might want your amazing solution so that you can get them on your email list.

✘ ​​Post on social media three times a day, using 15 hashtags and randomly commenting on strangers posts

✘ Constantly be pumping out daily content, including multiple posts per day to train the algorithm

✘Build funnel after funnel and burn money on ads (because you’re actually not sure what you’re doing)

but OMG… aren’t you exhausted?
(I was…)

 and…. you might even be asking yourself these questions…

Did I even HEAR you right Lord???

When is this business even going to make any impact or money?


Here’s a bold question for you


That levels up your “know, like, trust factor”, attracts quality leads, generates cash flow up-front in your business, and that leads you to your BIGGEST launch yet instead?

Sounds too good to be true? Keep reading and I’ll show you exactly how!

Kristin Dronchi

Founder & Christian Business Coach

Hi There!!! I am that girl that only made $27 in the first 2 years of her business. (it’s painful to even think about still)

I am also a wifey, mama (mom against the mainstream agenda), ex-9 to 5’er and most importantly the Daughter of the KING!

I spent 2 years trying to do #allthethings in order to be VISIBLE so that I could build my email list to make that IMPACT & INCOME through the calling God placed on my heart.

Each time I launched to crickets (because whether or not we want to admit… this IS a numbers game), I felt like a failure.

There were so many shiny objects out there, and everything sounded so exciting and important.

I knew God called me to Online Business but I was paying too much attention to what all the “gurus” were doing instead of finding my secret sauce.

After purchasing my fair share of products, courses and even a high-ticket group coaching program….

I hosted a Summit in 2022 and that is when I realized 2 things….

I realized 2 things that changed the trajectory of My Online Business…

I had tried….

✘ building complicated funnels

✘creating freebie after freebie hoping one would be the “winner”

✘ showing up constantly in other’s Facebook groups to “get VISIBLE”

✘ hosting an endless stream of webinars and live workshops

Having lost faith in my original approach to build my email list through strategic & authentic content creation and following misguided advice of my guru-coach. I was confused and about ready to throw in the towel….


And that’s when I finally realized:

That this Collaboration ORGANIC Growth Strategy (aka a summit) was the FASTEST way to grow my email list with high quality leads and it FINALLY allowed me to have a lead generation strategy that didn’t break the bank or drive me to the state of frustration.

I exploded by email list by over 600% after my first event, had $4k in my pocket BEFORE the event “went live” and had a sold out 1:1 roster for the rest of that year!

Now these organic collaboration strategies are the #1 way that I drive traffic to my online business AND I have been teaching my clients to do the same thing!


This Launch Runway Strategy I teach doesn’t just work for me.

They  also work for my clients.

Before working with Kristin, I was struggling to grow my list & I really felt like my list was made up of people who were not my ideal target audience.

But after going through the program and hosting my virtual event, I doubled my list and I attracted people who I am finally excited to serve. My virtual event was a game changer in my business.

The support from Kristin was above & beyond! So many courses give you the details, but then there’s no support. Kristin’s weekly Q&A calls offer a lifeline to any questions that pop up during the entire planning and execution process.

Wendy Wallace

Christian Living Positivity Coach

I already am very impressed with the way that Kristin runs her training program. I’ve worked with a lot of different trainers and hers by far, is one of the easiest for me to follow.

She gives everything in a video, step by step, telling you exactly how to go from the very beginning of your planning stages for a summit, and the whole way through as you need to add things to the program.

Whether you’re having a little summit or a big summit, I most definitely recommend Kristin to learn from. She just has been amazing for me. I really am glad that I found her.

Bev Schweigert

Founder Blessed Be Boutique

let me introduce you to

Summits With Impact™

A Launch Runway & Lead Generation strategy

for the Christian Woman in Online Business


Using Your Summit with IMPACT as your LAUNCH RUNWAY not only skyrockets your visibility, income and impact, while building your email list, but it allows you to launch post summit to a huge list of warm to hot leads who already know, like and trust you AND want what you have to offer!!

7 Day “Do the Work” Refund Guarantee *info on checkout page

Success doesn't have to be a waiting game

Skip years of trying to grow your email list organically

Get the Trainings, Tools, Templates with swipe copy, Mockup graphics, Live Mentoring/Q&As, everything you need to plan and build out your virtual event as well as the Inside scoop on collaboration opportunities.


Get Instant Access To

Everything you need to plan and host your virtual event and position it strong in order to grow your email list & have your next sold out launch!

Live Weekly Mentoring/Q&A Sessions + Copy Review

Entire Summit With Impact Curriculum

Summit Asset Templates, Swipe Files, Graphics, & Resources

🎉You are just ONE Summit with Impact away from your biggest launch yet!🎉

Yes! You get lifetime access to the complimentary weekly session, copy review & curriculum to come back to when you host a repeat event!

Wondering if you have what it takes?


Here’s what you do not need to host a virtual summit:


You don’t have to have an audience or start with a big email list (your summit is how you’ll get there)


You don’t need to have a lot of “authority” or have a lot of connections (you’ll increase your authority and relationships through your summit)


You don’t need to have 5+ figures in revenue (you can start small and still host a successful summit)


You don’t need to even have launched an offer before!!! (In fact, summits are a GREAT way to launch your beta/founding member program!)

All you need to get started is a desire to skyrocket your online business growth to make an impact on This Side of Heaven with your virtual summit.



I’ll show you how to do the rest!

Here's a sneak peek of

what’s INSIDE:

and more...

30 Day “Do the Work” Refund Guarantee *info on checkout page


What sets this program apart

from other summit hosting programs?

    ⭐LIVE Weekly Mentoring Sessions! Each week Kristin hosts a Q &A / Mentoring session to answer your questions and review your summit assets (landing pages, etc.  (you get lifetime access to these sessions!!  Doing a repeat event? Hop on back in!)

    ⭐BONUS: Unlimited VOXER Support! You get unlimited VOXER Support while you plan your event!  PLUS: top-notch support during your event week if you need help!  Quickly get your tech questions answered so you can keep moving forward.

    Unlike most summit courses that give you strategies you have to figure out how to implement on your own, we take a different approach.

    Summits with IMPACT give you the proven strategies PLUS every resource you could think of PLUS connection to a real HUMAN (aka me, Kristin😆), and so much more to make your summit as streamlined and profitable as possbile, without breaking the bank!

    Skip the years of struggle!

    Hosting an online summit means skipping years of hustle and launching you right into:

    Doubling (or tripling!) your email list

    Being seen as the Authority and Industry Expert in your niche

    Filling your pipeline with quality leads who want to know “what’s next” and are ready to move into your post event conversion (and are ready to buy)

    Creating cash injection in your business on the front end (even before the big event)

    Connecting you with other industry experts for future collaborations and referrals.

    Creating a true and meaningful impact in the life of the person you are called to serve.

    The Summit with IMPACT™ 🚀Launch Runway is the ONLY “sales marketing” funnel that will not only allow YOU to quickly create:

    more sales, more visibility, & more impact


    BUT… It  also sets you up for your biggest launch yet with a hot audience wanting what you have to offer!


    So how does it work exactly?

    All it takes is three steps


    To go from Summit, to Launch, to Post-event Impact & Income


    Identify & Plan Your Profitable Positioning

    Phase 1 starts with planing your event and creating a strong summit positioning that will set you up for a successful summit and post event conversion launch! 


    Prepare for Your Event

    Next, we’ll make sure all the pieces are in place while planning your summit so that it is aligned with your ultimate goal.  You will be able to use your summit as a launch runway to sell your next program, membership, 1:1 coaching or Beta/Founding member program on the back end.

    Host a Your Virtual Summit

    Walk through the step-by-step process for hosting a high-converting virtual summit.You’ll have every resource you need and our high touch support at every step of the way as you plan, prep, promote, and host your event from start to finish.

    Welcome to…

    The Summits with IMPACT
    Launch Runway

    You are just one well executed Summit with Impact away from your biggest launch yet!

    Total Value = $1997

    Today’s Price = Only $747


    1 payment of $747


    PAYMENTS OF $259


    PAYMENTS OF $160

    *refund policy below

    Hosting a Summit with IMPACT™ is so much more than JUST growing your email list!!


    Using Your Summit with IMPACT™ as your LAUNCH RUNWAY not only skyrockets your visibility, income and impact,  while building your list,  but it allows you to launch post event to a huge list of quality leads who already know, like and trust you AND want what you have to offer!!


    I know this program can help you grow your email list fast.  These strategies have worked for me and my clients and can work for you too.

    But I want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If for any reason you change your mind, we will give you a complete refund (minus a 10% refund fee) as long as you meet a few requirements (listed on the checkout page.)

    • Requirement 1: You must request a refund 30 days after access has been granted to the program.
    • Requirement 2: Complete the Summit Positioning Module (along with any worksheets) and the Summit Story Arc Module (along with any worksheets), AND fill out the corresponding areas of the  Summit Presentation Playbook.  Submit a screenshot of YOUR completed result.
    • Requirement 3: Tell us why you’re wishing for a refund and why you’re thinking this program is not right for you and your business.

    Please note this is NOT a subscription. It cannot be canceled. Once the refund period is over, you must complete all remaining payments or be considered delinquent which would cause you to lose access to the course and be put in collections.


    But wait – there’s more!

    Action Taker Bonus

    Unlimited Voxer Access!!!

    Not only do you get LIVE weekly accountability/mentoring sessions to ask questions, get feedback & have your summit copy reviewed…

    when you join today…..

    You will also have unlimited VOXER access to Kristin through out the planning and hosting of your FIRST summit event!

    this is a $3000 value!

    I NEVER wnat you to be stuck or waiting on an answer that keeps you from moving forward.

    What other Summit with IMPACT Hosts are saying…

    Testimonials from my students

    Frequently asked questions

    I don’t have a very big audience. Should I focus on growing my email list before hosting a summit?

    Hosting a summit is HOW you grow your audience! Don’t let the size of your audience stop you from hosting a summit, because it will only help you grow faster. When I hosted my first summit, I only had about 250 people on my email list, and it tripled thanks to my summit. And my list keeps growing with every summit I’ve hosted since! If you have a small email list (or no email list) now, your first summit may be small (compared to the big influencers) but each one will get bigger and bigger!

    How much time should I expect to spend planning, strategizing, and launching my online summit?

    You will want to give yourself about 90-120 days for prep and planning before your first summit start date.  + maybe a week wiggle room depending on your schedule.  And approx 10 hours/week for working on your summit during your planning period. (otherwise I would plan about 120 days out for your event).  This will give you plenty of time to plan, pitch speakers, and promote your summit following Summit with IMPACT strategies & resources.

    And if you are set on a faster timeline, these resources will still help you save a ton of time and get your summit out into the world more quickly and easily!

    Do I need to purchase anything else?

    Chances are you already have everything you need to plan and launch a virtual event,  if you are currently running an online business! please note that you may have to purchase other tech.  If you choose to use some of the optional advance strategies Kristin teaches, you MAY have to upgrade/purchase somethings.

    We have a tech sheet checklist inside the program to make sure you have everything you need! 

    How Long do I have access to the program?

    You will have lifetime access to the program and any future updates.  As well as the ability to opt in to the affiliate program to refer your business besties!!

    While the payment plan options are 5 months long, your access will not stop at that time.

    You will have 5 months from the date you join use your UNLIMITED VOXER access and lifeline to Kristin during your FIRST event.

    You will have lifetime access to the mentoring sessions.  Doing a repeat event next year? Come join the weekly sessions if you have questions.

    Can I purchase this program at a different time?

    Yes, of course you can! Just know that I can’t guarantee that the price will stay the same forever – as I add more content, upgrades & value to it, the price needs to increase to reflect that. (plus I can’t promise the amazing UNLMITED VOXER bonus and Challenge in a Box Bonus might still be available).

    Now is the best time to jump in especially if you want to get your summit planning process started now!! (remember it takes a good 3 months to host a highly valuable and converting event!)

    What is the additional VOXER Access?

    You have unlimited Voxer Access to Kristin while you are planning your first event (as well as weekly live mentoaring/q&a sessions).

    You will have 5 months from the date you join use your UNLIMITED VOXER access and lifeline to Kristin during your FIRST event.

    What if I can't be on the weekly mentoring sessions live?

    These Q & A / mentoring sessions are held live each week. Details on this are inside the program.  If you can’t attend live, you can submit your question via a form to be answered on the recorded live call.

    You get access to all recorded sessions.   You can also submit anything to be reviewed via the form if you can’t be on live as well.

    You aren’t required to attend.  These are complimentary sessions to help you out when needed.

    You will have lifetime access to the mentoring sessions.  Doing a repeat event next year? Come join the weekly sessions if you have questions.

    Is there a guarantee?

    There is no money back guarantee.  However, there is a “do the work” 30 day refund, less applicable fees.  Details are on the checkout page.

    If you do the work and follow the strategies taught, I will guarantee you will grow your email list fast!

    Join the IMPACT.

    See you inside.

    You know that you are called to bring that Holy Spirit Inspired Idea to life and make an IMPACT here on This Side of Heaven!

    Unlock the POWER of Kingdom Collaborations with your Summit with IMPACT

    Let me help you GET VISIBLE, + build your email list fast (with the high quality leads) so you can create more IMPACT & fill your online programs!

    I believer 1000% in these strategies, that is why I offer a 30 Day “Do the work” money-back guarantee. Details are on the check out page.


    ~ Kristin Dronchi ♡



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