Christian Women Called to Online Business

Create & Launch Your Online Kingdom Business!

without  being a slave to social media or compromising your Faith!

The Online Business By God's Design™


Go from Idea… to Clarity… to Impact with a roadmap that not only gives you the exact step by step strategy to create, build and launch your online business without  the confusion & overwhelm, but also gives you the mindset and heart-set strategies you need to co-labor with the Holy Spirit to extract your Kingdom Blueprint!

Doors Close Again...









If you’re like most women I work with, you are probably here because…

You’ve been called to business, you have a fire inside to break free from the worldly systems that enslave you, but you’re not sure how to turn your God-given dreams into a profitable & impactful freedom-filled reality

You want to create your Online Kingdom Business a Kingdom without compromising your faith or values so that you can make an impact and income.

You want to use your voice to create a movement & find freedom.  You are craving to break free from the “worlds systems” and you know that entrepreneurship is the vehicle that will get you there.

You know you are called. But you have so many ideas, you aren’t sure where to start or have been duct taping your business together with all the worldly tactics & strategies (not to mention all those freebies in your inbox…)

I can totally relate…


If you’re a Christian Woman Entrepreneur with a Huge vision and a Holy Spirit fire to bring a Heavenly Solution down to an earthly problem….

you’re in the right place.

You are tired of…


Questioning Your Calling


Duct Taping Your Business Together with Wordly Strategies


Having Too Many Ideas & Not Knowing That Next Step


Being a Slave to Social Media


Googling "how to start a business"

and you are ready to build & launch your Online Business By God’s Design without compromising your faith or values….


… is not found in following the blueprint of someone else’s prospering business. Your success is found in operating your business in both faith & obedience to God, empowered by the Light of the Holy Spirit and motivated by an overarching mission.

~Kristin Dronchi, Christian Mindset & Business Coach

It’s time to bring that Heavenly solution down
to an earthly problem!



You already have the blueprint inside of you!

Contrary to what other “business coaches” might tell you, there is not an exact formula for you to follow.

There are timeless principles, but only God knows the exact right steps for each of us in growing our online business by His Design!

(If someone states there is an exact 3-step formula for business success…run!)

the success of your business starts with a firm foundation

The steps to a firm foundation


The first step in a firm foundation for your Online Business by God’s Design is to have clarity on your Identity – WHO you are by God’s Design. 

Uncovering your Kingdom Identity allows you to be in alignment, know when the enemy is coming against your identity and calling; and create a movement that people latch onto.


When you do Business WITH God, He already assigned you your realm of influence, territory, and the people are you are called to serve! You have a mandate on this side of Heaven!

You get to operate in your area of influence. All you need to is extract the blueprint to your online business, launch it, and be you!


You have the authority to carry out the dream God gave you.  You are authorized!

Our amazing Father would not give you a business idea if He didn’t also plan to put everything inside of you to birth that dream.
You have the blueprint in your soul!  You just need to right person to help you extract that.

Are you ready for the roadmap to grow a successful business God’s way?

Grab a cup of coffee...

Have you ever felt like you have all these ideas, you know you are called to this business thing, but you aren’t sure where to start?

That was me…..  (even after investing in a high ticket program)

I was struggling as a new Christian Entrepreneur and online business owner. It seemed that every expert in the online space had different ideas on how to create and build a business.

I made $27 in the first two years of my business.

I was lost, confused and overwhelmed trying to follow all worldly online tactics that were always changing, trying to beat the algorithm hunger game,  and copying what “successful gurus” were doing.

Can you relate?

I knew I was CALLED…

…. but I had too many ideas & didn’t know here to start

…. I was striving in my own strength trying to do it for God’s Glory

…. was worried about what others would think if I left my soul-sucking 9-5 (because I had a degree and a great j-o-b)

I was questioning my calling.

I was confused, overwhelmed and questioning my calling and if I even asking myself if I heard the Lord right, or at all!!

Can you relate?

If so, grab the guide to Having Your  Business Meeting with Your Heavenly Board of Directors (game changer!)

I was done duct taping my business together with the worldly tactics and all those freebies filling up my inbox.

If I launched to crickets ONE MORE TIME, I  was going to throw in the towel I said to myself.

I HAD to get off The Viscous Audience Building Cycle of being a slave to social media and trying to build my email list so I had people to launch to. 

Everything changed when I started doing this with God, not just for Him!

This is where COLLABORATIONS come into play!

I started to learn the POWER of leveraging other people’s audiences to rapidly grow my email list (organically) with high quality leads.  After my first virtual event, I increased my email list by 600 + leads and had $4k cash injection in my business and filled my 1:1 roster. 

The rest… is history! Oh… and did I mention I had THE best year in my business AFTER I quit my 9-5 because of our little surprise blessing??



When you are in God’s will for you life…  Suddenlys happen and He will exponentially increase!


Grab a cup of coffee...

Have you ever felt like you have all these ideas, you know you are called to this business thing, but you aren’t sure where to start?

That was me…..  (even after investing in a high ticket program)

I was struggling as a new Christian Entrepreneur and online business owner. It seemed that every expert in the online space had different ideas on how to create and build a business.

I made $27 in the first two years of my business.

I was lost, confused and overwhelmed trying to follow all worldly online tactics that were always changing, trying to beat the algorithm hunger game,  and copying what “successful gurus” were doing.

Can you relate?

I knew I was CALLED…

…. but I had too many ideas & didn’t know here to start

…. I was striving in my own strength trying to do it for God’s Glory

…. was worried about what others would think if I left my soul-sucking 9-5 (because I had a degree and a great j-o-b)

I was questioning my calling.

I was confused, overwhelmed and questioning my calling and if I even asking myself if I heard the Lord right, or at all!!

Can you relate?  If so, grab the guide to Having Your  Business Meeting with Your Heavenly Board of Directors (game changer!)

I was done duct taping my business together with the worldly tactics and all those freebies filling up my inbox.

If I launched to crickets ONE MORE TIME, I  was going to throw in the towel I said to myself.

I HAD to get off The Viscous Audience Building Cycle of being a slave to social media and trying to build my email list so I had people to launch to.

Everything changed when I started doing this with God, not just for Him!

This is where COLLABORATIONS come into play!

I started to learn the POWER of leveraging other people’s audiences to rapidly grow my email list with high quality leads.  After my first virtual event, I increased my email list by 600 + leads and had $4k cash injection in my business and filled my 1:1 roster. 

The rest… is history! Oh… and did I mention I had THE best year in my business AFTER I quit my 9-5 because of our little surprise blessing??

When you are in God’s will for you life…  Suddenlys happen and He will exponentially increase!


Everything you need to create, grow, and launch your Online Business By God’s Design PLUS strategies to get visible & create a lead generation strategy to stop being a slave to social media and stop hustling to grow your email list from launch to launch!




The Roadmap

to Create, Grow,

and Launch!

Access to the

Visibility for





To give you the tools to lock arms with the ONE who called you and create your online business God’s way, while leveraging the POWER of collaborations  & other people’s audiences to scale your online business to that next level and grow your email list FAST so that you can create more IMPACT & Income through organic growth collaboration strategies


I want to see  more  successful Christian Women Entrepreneurs in the online space!!

God needs more good people with an abundant amount of money to change broken & corrupt systems and bless more people!!

So you get access to 3+ PROGRAMS! The Roadmap + all these lead generation strategies + more, to Create Your Online Business By God's Design, grow your email list fast & without being a slave to social...

So that you can stop questioning your calling or wondering what the next step is and   finally bring that dream to life!

“I felt like my idea was kind of crazy because I tried helping women 10 plus years ago with unplanned pregnancies, and God did not take this dream off of my heart. And because of Kristin, I’ve been able to step into, my own power and just really being confident in what God has called me to do!”

Click HERE for full video testimony!

Ashley Bush

Founder Unplanned Mom School

The best thing?🥰

You can build a impactful & profitable Online Business, God’s Way without being a slave to social media!

So how does it work exactly?

All it takes are

3 Simple Steps

to create, build and launch your Online Business By God’s Design™

You By God's Design

This step involves understanding your roots and identity in Christ, recognizing your calling, spiritual gifts, and unique abilities designed by God.

It’s about laying the foundation of who you are as a person and as a business owner, aligning your values, desires, and purpose with God’s plan for you.

Business By God's Design

Here, you translate your testimony, identity and calling into the framework of your business, defining its mission, vision, core values, and the transformational impact you aim to achieve.

You analyze your business from a Kingdom perspective, ensuring that you are in alignment with your assignment!

Launch By God's Design

This step involves executing your business plan with faith-driven strategies and lead generation organic growth strategies.

It’s about launching your business into the world while staying true to your faith and purpose, trusting in God’s guidance throughout the process and without being a slave to social media!


🚨April 2024 Founding Member Cohort Only!🚨

Founding Member Investment Only $977


Total Value = $5997

Founding Member Special Investment:  Only $977


Testimonials from my students

Still have questions?

Frequently Asked Questions:


I am a new coach or new to online business and I'm just getting started. Will this work for me?

Absolutely, this works especially well for newbie women entrepreneurs and those who have been struggling for a while to get their business going or questioning their calling.

Will the Online Business By God's Design Roadmap work for every kind of business?

This program is suitable for all kinds of coaches, content creators, and course creators who want to sell their knowledge, build an audience, and make a living online.

I don't have an audience or email list yet. Is that a problem?

No, this is one thing that The Visibility for IMPACT Club inside the Roadmap helps you with. You will get the tools and strategies you need to grow a loyal tribe and engaged email list fast.

Don’t let the size of your audience stop you from hosting a summit, or doing these visibility strategies,  because it will only help you grow faster. When I hosted my first summit, I only had about 250 people on my email list, and it tripled thanks to my summit. And my list keeps growing with every summit I’ve hosted since! If you have a small email list (or no email list) now, your first summit may be small (compared to the big influencers) but each one will get bigger and bigger!

Is The Online Business By God's Design Roadmap just for Kingdom Minded Women?

Yes! Kristin strives to keep this environment and container for only Christian Women in Business who have that Kingdom Mindset who are believers in Jesus Christ and accepted Him as their Savior! **Please note: Kristin will NOT allow any bullying or behavior that does not align with how Jesus would treat others and we will not allow anything that is contrary to Biblical Truth to be posted or communicated.

Can I wait and join at a later time?

Yes, you can join at a later time, and only when the doors are open. Know that the price may increase (the founding member price is only for April 2024 Cohort). 

How much support is included?

Weekly support!!! I know this is unheard of for this monthly investment! Each week there is mentor and Q and A session Kristin hosts with jointly with members of the Visibility for IMPACT Club and her Summit with IMPACT™ students. Bring questions or submit your copy/assets for feedback.

What if I can't be on the weekly mentoring sessions live?

These Q & A / mentoring sessions are held live each week. Details on this are inside the program.  If you can’t attend live, you can submit your question via a form to be answered on the recorded live call.

You get access to all recorded sessions.   You can also submit anything to be reviewed via the form if you can’t be on live as well.

You aren’t required to attend.  These are complimentary sessions to help you out when needed.

Can you guarantee results?

The legal stuff you need to know. I can’t guarantee any results to increase traffic or revenue with the strategies + resources learned in the club. But I can guarantee that if you follow what I teach, you will grow your email list as fast as humanly possible. I have done it, my past clients have and I believe you can too!

Can I cancel or do you offer refunds?

No.  This is not a membership and you can not cancel your payment plan.  You are responsible for the full investment.  If you are having a hard time fulfilling the payment plan, please reach out.  We can make certian accomodations within reason.

Please just email me:


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